
5 Ways Connectivity is Transforming the Fleet Management Industry


Can you believe that the global commercial vehicles industry is expected to be valued at almost $28 million within the next four years?

This statistic also means that even more commercial vehicles will occupy roads across the world. This can make fleet management even more difficult than it already is. The only way to make things easier is by investing in advanced technology.

Are you wondering how it can help your business? Well, here’s 5 ways connectivity is transforming the fleet management industry.

1. Real-Time Updates

The ability to receive real-time updates on your commercial vehicles has single-handedly transformed the fleet management industry. This allows you to act fast and come up with timely solutions.

Whether there’s been an accident, or a vehicle is heading in the wrong direction, it’s true what they say about knowledge being power.

2. A Wealth of Analytics

Yet another benefit for the logistics industry is the wealth of analytical information it provides you with. In the right hands, this information can further improve the way your business operates.

It’s best to opt for fleet management solutions that give you analytical software. This makes it easier to crunch the numbers and come up with projections, among other helpful functions. For instance, this is an online solution that digitalises fleet inventory scheduling and asset management. To learn more about Fleet & Driver Productivity, please click here.

3. Ease of Communication

In addition to asset tracking and other cost-saving functions, you’ll also have the ability to communicate with your fleet with a range of instant updates, messages, and more. The drivers can also send you specific messages updating you when necessary.

This sure beats juggling phone numbers and other information that can easily be lost.

4. Efficient Route Planning

Once you implement automated route planning, it’ll be hard to remember a world without it. This not only saves you time but can also save a significant amount of money. The quicker the route, the less fuel is used and time wasted.

Plus, the route planner can also take into consideration safety, traffic jams, and much more.

5. It Boosts Driver Morale

When a driver receives specific instructions and concrete information, it gives them the kind of practical guidance they can use in their daily routine.

This will produce much improved results and can give your drivers alternative directions to reach their destinations.

Are You Ready to Improve Your Fleet Management?

Now that you know 5 ways connectivity is transforming the fleet management industry; you can ensure that you are optimising your operational efficiency. Once you try out modern fleet management software, you’ll never want to go back to a manual method.

Hitek can provide your company with the best fleet management solutions on the market. We also cover other smart infrastructure solutions that can revolutionize the way you do business.

If you have questions or would like to learn more, feel free to contact us. We look forward to assisting you.

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