Types of Facility Management Systems

Types of Facility Management Systems: IWMS, CAFM, and FMS

Facility management has come a long way, becoming crucial for running businesses, managing real estate, and improving efficiency within organizations. Nowadays, facility managers and business owners have various systems to choose from, such as Facility Management Systems (FMS), Computer-Aided Facilities Management (CAFM), and Integrated Workplace Management Systems (IWMS). This guide will explain each of these […]

CAFM software and its features and benefits

Introduction to CAFM Software

In any organization, it is very important to manage physical spaces and assets well. This is true for office buildings, hospitals, or manufacturing plants. The challenge of keeping, managing, and making the best use of physical resources is expected. Facility managers often have to handle many tasks simultaneously, such as maintenance, space planning, and ensuring […]

CAFM vs CMMS Software Comparison

CAFM vs CMMS: FM Software Comparison

In the busy field of facility management, being efficient is very important. Imagine missing out on maintenance tasks, dealing with frequent equipment breakdowns, and not using space efficiently. These common problems can mess up operations and raise costs, causing facility managers to look for solutions. This is where CAFM and CMMS software come in tools […]

CAFM Smart Technology
Javeria Aijaz, managing director of HITEK

Experts reveal the benefits of using AI for predictive maintenance in facilities management

In the facilities management space, the convergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and predictive maintenance is urgent and innovative. By melding AI’s analytical prowess with real-time data, this transformative approach averts operational disruptions, slashes costs, and elevates facilities’ performance. Explaining this much better is Javeria Aijaz, Managing Director of HITEK. She says: “Since the inception of […]

CAFMTEK Streamlining Facility Management with Cutting-Edge Technology

HITEK’s CAFMTEK: Streamlining Facility Management with Cutting-Edge Technology

In today’s fast-paced world, managing facilities efficiently is a top priority for organizations across various industries. With the increasing complexity of managing multiple buildings, assets, and resources, facility managers are constantly seeking innovative solutions to optimize operations. HITEK’s CAFMTEK (Computer-Aided Facility Management Technology) emerges as a game-changing platform, integrating advanced technology and comprehensive features to […]